Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bikes on Campus: Hot pink folding bike

After the University of Stellenbosch introduced the Matie bikes in 2012, the cycling culture in Stellenbosch has really grown and the amount of bikes on campus have more than doubled since I first set foot here.

Every now and then I come across a strange, interesting, funny, old or beautiful bike and cannot help but stop to photograph it. It then gets posted on Instagram with the hashtag #bikesoncampus.

I will also be posting them here on our blog in the future.

The first one up is one of my favorite bikes on campus at the moment and I always smile when I walk past it.

Folding bikes are still quite rare in Stellenbosch so this one stands out even more. Judging by the location it was spotted at, it's probably the property of a future teacher. I wouldn't mind my future kids having a teacher as cool as her!

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